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Ayurvedic massage

What is Ayurvedic massage?

It is one of the fundamental treatments of the holistic Ayurvedic medicine, which examines the body, soul and mind as a whole. The word literally means “the science of long and healthy life”. It has ancient Indian roots. A health-preserving, rejuvenating, healing treatment that detoxifies not only on a physical, but also on an emotional and spiritual level.

Ayurveda classifies the individual into three basic types, called ’doshas’. The three doshas are Pitta, Vata, and Kapha, which are associated with different combinations of the five basic elements. Pitta is related to fire and water, Vata to air and ether, and Kapha to water and earth.

Ayurvedic massage

It is rare for someone to belong to only one type, just as it is rare for someone to belong to all three types equally. The most common is when one type or two combined together dominates, and the third is only weakly present or absent. When one of the doshas under- or over-functions, it leads to an upset of balance.

Ayurvedic massages, depending on their type, provide personalized treatment not only for preventive purposes but also to help restore the breakdown of harmony. According to the principle of Ayurveda, diseases can be avoided by maintaining our balance. Massage contributes to our basic state of happiness, health and well-being.

Comparison with other massages

In practice, Ayurvedic treatment is preceded by a short conversation that helps the therapist select the right massage oil for the individual. The part or parts of the body to be treated are then pampered with warm oily smoothing, rubbing, pulling and tapping. At the end of the treatment, the whole treated body surface is steamed with the help of an herbal decoction for more effective detoxification.

While the carrier used in Swedish massage has only a function of reducing friction, and int he case of Thai, the treatment is done without a carrier, all dressed up, in Ayurvedic the healing mechanism plays a key role. Cold pressed oil made from 100% plant ingredients is used, in which it has several active ingredients. The oil is personalized according to the guest’s dosha, and an important point is for the whole body to soak in this oil throughout the treatment.

The treatment focuses on specific energy points, unlike the Swedish one, which is more focused on anatomy and physiology. The goal is to loosen energy blocks and release emotional burdens, unlike in Sweden, where the goal is to relax muscles and physically manipulate them.

The strength of the strokes also depends on the dosha classification of the individual. In the case of Vata, a gentle sattvic touch is used, in Pitta a deeper rajasic, and in Kapha an even deeper tamasic. During treatment, the chakras become balanced. Depending on your dosha, the pace of catches can be either drawn-out or fast.


Among the Ayurvedic treatments, we distinguish a number of popular and extremely beneficial massage therapies. The following are the best known and most commonly used forms:

  • Abhyanga

One of the most important types, it affects the whole body. It has an excellent effect on all our cells, provides a wonderful treatment for our skin, muscles, joints, and makes our internal organs and nervous system healthier. It also has a highly effective detoxifying effect at the cellular level. It improves blood and lymphatic circulation, strengthens our immune system. Depending on our skin type, it is recommended to be applied weekly, or even once a day.

  • Gandharva

During Gandharva, the therapist complements the touch with sound therapy. In addition to the warm oil treatment, it uses crystal singing bowls to vibrate and transform cells in order to increase energy flow. After the therapy we can leave full of life and with happiness in our hearts.

  • Marma

Ayurveda calls the vital energy points that connect body, mind, and emotions ’marma’. The marma massage envelops the body with gentle, circular movements with the healing oil corresponding to the dosha of the individual. It wonderfully enhances the body’s self-healing processes, awakens the prana, helps the body’s blood and lymphatic circulation, relieves muscle tension.

  • Navarakizi

Following Abhyanga, detoxification is enhanced by rubbing the body with a brown rice bun. Excellent skin nourishing and rejuvenating treatment. It is also recommended for muscle weakness or joint wear. It is extremely effective in compensating for pitta overactivity in skin complaints, wrinkles, psoriasis, eczema and inflamed, acne prone skin. They put rice cooked in milk in the bundle, which is then dipped in herbal warm milk. This mixture contains valuable ingredients such as folic acid, zinc, B vitamins, zinc, protein, calcium, manganese, iron, magnesium and selenium. Thanks to the latter, Navarakizi is also a perfect help in early graying.

  • Padabhyanga

This kind is the massage of the feet and legs. By stimulating the reflex zones, it improves the condition of our internal organs and thus our vital functions.

  • Patra poli

Special, personalized massage form. After Abhyanga, indulgence is crowned by rubbing an herbal batyus corresponding to the individual’s dosha. The right herbs perfectly harmonize bodily functions, possible disorders of the organ systems. It has wonderful detoxifying properties.

  • Shiroabhyanga

This type works on the head, face, neck and shoulder girdle. It increases blood circulation, stimulates brain functions, improves oxygen delivery to the brain, and reduces insomnia. It completely relieves the blockages of stress accumulated in the neck and shoulder area. However, keep in mind that the treatment begins with a massage of the scalp, also with the help of oil. While this makes our hair shiny and healthy, there could be some who are reluctant to lubricate their hair.

  • Shirodhara

Following the Shiroabhyanga treatment, an herbal oil is being dripped onto the guest’s forehead slowly, by moving left and right. This type of massage if applying regularly maximizes relaxation and eliminates chronic insomnia and headaches. It is also very effective for migraines, stress and mental exhaustion.

  • Udwartan

A type that shapes, firms and detoxifies with powerful rubbing and kneading. Overfunction of the kapha dosha can lead to excess fat and waste products, and Udwartan moves these substances out of the body. The massage is done with customized herbal powder and oil. At the end of the treatment, most of the released toxins are excreted in the body through sweating as a result of steaming.

Ayurvedic massage focuses on the dominant dosha of the individual. It is believed that if a person suffers from an imbalance, the imbalance can be remedied by its opposite.

  • For Kapha dosha, therapy with deep-tissue, stimulating strokes are most effective, as in Udwartan. This will remedy their lethargic, monotonous and depressed mood.
  • Pittas, if unbalanced, can bring themselves into harmony with Abhyanga treatment for example. By releasing toxins and calming the central nervous system, miraculous results can be achieved.
  • The Vata type is recommended for Shirodhara and Marma massages to treat the symptoms of restlessness, weakness and digestive problems.

Is Ayurvedic massage recommended to everybody?

Ayurvedic massage is recommended for almost everyone as it provides a perfectly personalized therapeutic method. In accordance with our personality, mental state and therapeutic goal, we are guaranteed to find up to 100% in our types what best meets our expectations. It is not a magical insanity, its blessed effects can be experienced by skeptics in the same way as those with a holistic, spiritual attitude.

However, it is worth visiting a highly experienced, professional therapist, because if we do not receive the appropriate treatment for our dosha, it will lead to even greater imbalances, both physically and emotionally.